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    1. Log into you MetaMask account and open it. 2. On the top you can see which chain you are currently using. In this example it is Ethereum Mainnet. 3. To add BSC click on the the colorful round symbol at the top right and choose Settings in the dropdown menu. 4. Another menu opens. Select Networks here. 5. We're Crypto Reddit's Fiji water in a desert of censorship and agendas. Arguably Reddit's best source for uncensored cryptocurrency news, technicals, education, memes and so more! 306k Taking the same invest-$1,000-on-January-1st-of-each-year approach with the S&P 500 that I’ve been documenting through the Top Ten Crypto Experiments, the yields are the following: $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1,780 today. $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1,900 today What is the best cryptocurrency to invest in right now . [GUIDE] Basics to Investing in CryptoCurrency - reddit How to Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC . How to add Binance Smart Chain to Metamask - Polkastarter . Theta Fuel is the native coin used on the Theta blockchain system. It is ranked third on our list of 10 best cryptocurrencies to invest in according to Reddit. Over the years, Theta Fuel has made a. How to add Binance Smart Chain to Metamask? Best cryptocurrencys to invest in 2021 : CryptoCurrency How To Add Binance Smart Chain To Metamask (Full Guide . As you can see, the default network on MetaMask is set to the Ethereum Mainnet (top right). Let’s now add BSC to the list. Click on Networks, select ‘Custom RPC’ and you should see this menu pop up: 5. Input the following info in the boxes: Network Name: Smart ChainNew RPC URL: How To Add Binance Smart Chain To MetaMask In 4 Easy Steps . How to add Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask – © UnitedCrowd. 5 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest in According to Reddit . Best Platform To Invest In Cryptocurrency : CryptoTopDaily How to connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 1. Install MetaMask & create a new wallet. Skip this step if you’ve already installed MetaMask on Chrome. The first step is to install MetaMask and . 2. Navigate to “Networks” & add a new network. 3. Add the “Smart Chain” network. Bitcoin is the king of crypto investments, currently, and will stay as so in the foreseeable future. Kraken is my favorite trading platform. Their customer service is amazing. VERY roughly speaking, staking is where you put your crypto up to validate transactions on a blockchain. For example, I stake my ADA on the Daedalus wallet. Select the “Settings” from the dropdown menu. On the “Settings” page, locate the “Networks” menu. Click “Add Network” to manually add the Binance Smart Chain one — it doesn’t come packaged with. Steps to Install Metamask. Before connecting with the Smart chain, the first step would be to install Metamask and create an account. At the Metamask website, a download option appears. Downloading the extension is quite standard from there. To create an account on Metamask for Binance one must have a wallet. How to Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain? by . The Safest Place to Buy Crypto - Build a Crypto Portfolio How To Add Binance Smart Chain To MetaMask. In order to receive the benefits, the MetaMask wallet must be connected to the Smart Chain. Here are the four easy steps to connect MetaMask to BSC. Step 1: MetaMask Installation & Wallet Creation; Step 2: Wallet Configuration; Step 3: Binance Smart Chain Network; Step 4: Funding Your Wallet 10 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest in According to Reddit Best Platform To Invest In Cryptocurrency Visit for Best Platform To Invest In Cryptocurrency. The most used and at the same time the most reliable crypto exchange platform is Binance. Also, Binance extremely easy to use and learn. You can earn a 20% commission discount on each purchase. Binance 20% Sign Up Code: 77181558 How to Register Binance? Which cryptocurrency to invest right now? - reddit The best, high reward cryptos to invest in right now are the ones that will check all of the boxes below in the future. Price History: Does the crypto have steady volume? It is best if the crypto was released after the last bull market. This way there is not upward price resistance. Investing Rules. Not everyone will agree with me here, but I highly believe the best and SAFEST way to make money is long-term holding. Below are the strategies for long-term investing. 1) You can’t time the market. No one has ever successfully timed the market consistently over multiple stocks and the crypto market is no different. How To Add Binance Smart Chain To Metamask (Step By Step) Step 1: Install and activate Metamask. The first step in adding Binance Smart Chain to Metamask is installing and configuring the Metamask extension . Step 2: Launch Metamask. Step 3: Click on [Ethereum Mainnet] Step 4: Click on [Add . Select the add network button and input the following information: Here are the four easy steps to connect metamask to bsc. How to add binance smart chain to your metamask. Open a wallet or import one, be sure to store your keyphrase safely step 3: Open your metamask and click on the ‘network’. 5 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest in According to Reddit . If you want to read our detailed analysis of these currencies, go directly to the 10 Best Cryptocurrencies to Invest in According to Reddit. 5. Algorand. Algorand is a blockchain-based network . Just like Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA), NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ: NVDA), and Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), Visa Inc. (NYSE: V) is one of the best crypto investments according to Reddit. How To Add Binance Smart Chain To Metamask 2021 . CryptoCurrencies - reddit